Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kovach won countywide on 1-13-2011,but his popularity was not across the board. He won big in a few areas.

Republican Tom Kovach won the Special Election for New Castle County Council President by 4852 votes and secured 57.5 % of the vote.He did not win big by winning all over the county,but by winning with huge margins in several locations that had higher turnout than the areas where his opponent Democrat County Councilman Tim Sheldon did well.

Sheldon won more State Representative Districts. He won 14 and Kovach won 12 Rep Districts,but the turnout was significantly lower in the districts where Sheldon won and his winning margins were nowhere near the numbers in some overperforming districts Kovach won.

Sheldon's winning margin did not break 400 votes in any of the 14 districts he won and overall turnout exceeded 900 in only one district in which Sheldon won. Kovach's winning margin exceeded 500 votes in 8 of the 12 districts in which Kovach won, including 3 in which the winning margin exceeded 840. Overall turnout in each of the 12 districts in which Kovach won was at least 900 with 4 having over 2000 total votes cast and another 7 having over 1000 total votes cast.

People did not come out to vote as much in areas where Sheldon was strong. They came out in large enough numbers in selected areas that favored Kovach which created an upset in a race when the registration edge favored the Democrats.

New Castle County
1st-Wilmington & some Northern suburbs-
Sheldon:585-197 winning margin 388

Sheldon:448-92 winning margin 356

Sheldon:268-68 winning margin 200

4th-Wilmington & some Western suburbs-
Kovach:1373-735 winning margin 638

Sheldon:448-263 winning margin 185

Kovach:1592-530 winning margin 1062

7th-Brandywine Hundred-
Kovach: 1536-693 winning margin 843

8th-Southern New Castle County –
Kovach: 540-461 winning margin 79

9th-Southern New Castle County-
Kovach:1061-629 winning margin of 432

10th-Brandywine Hundred-
Kovach:1167-421 winning margin of 746

11th-Brandywine Hundred-
Kovach:969-368 winning margin of 601

12th-Mt Cuba/Yorklyn-
Kovach: 1543-628 winning margin 915

13th-Elsmere/Richardson Park-
Sheldon:319-197 winning margin 122

15th-New Castle/Red Lion/Bear-
Sheldon:369-319 winning margin 50

16th-New Castle-
Sheldon:495-100 winning margin 395

17th-New Castle-
Sheldon:463-347 winning margin 116

Sheldon:389-339 winning margin 50

19th-Mill Creek/Kirkwood Highway-
Sheldon:487-358 winning margin 129

Kovach:1097-535 winning margin 562

21st-Pike Creek /Red Mill area of Rte 2-
Kovach792-538 winning margin254

22nd-NorthStar/Linden Hill-
Kovach:1143-598 winning margin 545

23rd-Western Newark-
Sheldon:479-421 winning margin 58

24th-Rte 4 corridor east of Newark-
Sheldon:370-298 winning margin 72

25th-Eastern Newark-
Sheldon:310-302 winning margin 8

26th-Bear Glasgow-
Sheldon:164-122 winning margin 42

Kovach:486-409 winning margin 77


Naomi said...

The bottom line and end result is, is that "Kovach Won" and that's all that counts in the end.
Maybe people in other areas care more about voting in elections and in the end outcomes much more so than others. I think the numbers here so proved that!
Don't forget you also have "MANY" Democrats that also voted for Kovach:

John Tobin said...

Thanks for reading & commenting and I could not agree more that a win is a win. My point here was not to determine who was the better candidate,but to point out that Kovach did not win so big by winning all over the county with small winning margins across the board,but by losing over half the rep districts and winning hugh in a few areas. Winning may be all that coults in the end as far as this election ,but I plan to show how unless Kovach can spread his popularity throughout the county he may have problems in a general election when there is a full ballot which may bring out more of the casual Democrat voters than were brought out by a special election held in subfreezing weather on a Thursday.

Anonymous said...

If I were running against a majority party, I too would do what Kovach did.

In the end,the best way to summarize this election, is to say that in this case, fewer people cared more.

John Tobin said...

Kavips, I think you are correct. Special elections are notorious for low turnout and recent county government special elections have had even lower turnout than the state legislative special elections. Motivating a few that care is more important than contacting a lot of people who are not passionate about it when it comes to special elections.